List of Research Publications in SCI Journals Department wise during the last five years (Authors Names, Title of Paper, Name of the Journal, Volume, Page nos., Year).
S.No. | Author Name | Title of Paper | Name of Journal, Issn/ Doi. Volume, Issue,
Page No |
(Pubmed id)
Index Journal
Yes/No |
Year |
1. | Prof.U.Jhansi Rani
Prof.Edna Sweenie J Prof.T.Poornima Prof.E.Sumalatha, Mrs.B.Madhuravani |
A Robotic Device Design For Safety Guidance To Nursing Care. | Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research, Volume 12, Issue 07,2021 Pg.796-801. | 0975-3583
0976-2833 |
Yes | 2018 |
2. | G.Anusha
Prof.Edna Sweenie J Dr.S.Mahalakshmi Prof.V,Sujatha Prof.E.Sumalatha. |
A 3d Printing Face Protection Shield Design For Nursing Homes At Covid -19
Journal of Critical Review, Issn 2394-5125,Volume 08,Issue 02.Page 2321-2326 | 2394-5125 |
Yes | 2018 |
3. | B.Madhura Vani
Prof.Edna Sweenie J ,Prof.E.Sumalatha, Prof.T.Poornima Prof.U.Jhansi Rani. |
Nursing Care Activity Identification Using Mutual Information With Feature Selection | Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Volume 12,Issue 07.2021.Page No-802-810 |
0976-2833 |
Yes | 2018 |
4. | Prof.V.Sujatha
Prof.K,Prasanna Prof.Edna Sweenie J Prof.S.Mahalakshmi Prof.T.Poornima. |
Clinical Nursing Risk Assessment And Early Warning System Based On Support Vector Machine
Journal of Contemporary Issues In Business And Government-Volume 24,Issue10,24.01.2009:Page No-92-99
Doi:10.47750 |
2204-1990 |
Yes | 2018 |
5. | Shalini R, Lakshmi K, Neelima G and Bhaskar Reddy K. | Iron Deficiency Anemia in Women: Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Women in Chittoor District | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (July-Sept 2018), 10(3):277-281 | 10.31838/ijpr/2018.10.03.082 | Yes | 2018 |
6. | B.Hema
Prof.V.Sujatha Prof.Edna Sweenie J. Mrs.B.Madhuravani. Mrs.M.Swarnalatha. |
Analysis Of Nurses Reflection On Success Or Failure Of Blood Withdrawal By Vein Types
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation ,Issn:1475-7192.Volume 24,Issue-01,2020. Page No-9255-9259. | 1457-7192. |
Yes | 2019 |
S.No. | Author Name | Title of Paper | Name of Journal, Issn/ Doi. Volume, Issue,
Page No |
(Pubmed id)
Index Journal
Year |
7. | S.Sujitha,
C.Vasantha Kumari P.Mohana Priya. Prof.Edna Sweenie J. T.Gayathri. |
The Nursing Care Activity And Records Estimation Using Experiment And Dataset System. | Journal Of Critical Review,Issn-2394-5125,Volume 9,Issue-02,Page No-53-61 | 2394-5125 |
Yes | 2019 |
8. | T.Gayathri
Prof.Edna Sweenie C.Vasantha Kumari. P.Mohana Priya. S.Sujitha. |
Digital Technologies Supporting Towards Nursing Care: A Brief Review | Journal Of Critical Reviews,Issn-2394-5125,Volume-9,Issue-02,Page No-44-52, | 2394-5125 |
Yes | 2019 |
9. | P.Anusha
Prof.E.Sumalatha Prof.Edna Sweenie J Prof.U.Jhansi Rani B.Madhura Vani |
Study And Development Of Medical/Nursing Care Support Classification Using Radar Technology And Hybrid WSN. | Journal Of Critical Reviews, Issn-2394-5125, Volume 09,Issue 01. Page No :239 -245 | 2394-5125 |
Yes | 2019 |
10. | Prof.U.Jhansi Rani Prof.V.Sujatha, Vasantha Kumari
Prof.C.Rathiga Mrs.S.Sireesha.
A Design And Application Of Unobstructive Sensor System To Support Incontinence Care Of Elderly Nursing Home. | European Journal Of Molecular &Clinical Medicine, Issn:2515-8260.Volume 8,Issue-04.2021.Page No-2899-2905. | 2515-8260 |
Yes | 2019 |
11. | Prof.V.Sujatha
Prof.T.Poornima Prof.E.Sumalatha Prof.K.Prasanna C.Vasantha Kumari. |
The Robot Nurse Scheduling Problem. | Psychology And Education(2019)
56(1):18-23.Issn:1553-6939. |
Www.Psychologyandeducation.Net |
Yes | 2019 |
12. | B.Madhura Vani
T.Gayathri S.Sujitha. Prof.V;Sujatha. Dr.S.Mahalakshmi. |
Design And Evaluation Of A Healthcare Management Terminology Mobile Learning Application | Journal Of Contemporary Issues In Business And Government.
Volume 25, 2019.Page No :257-266. Doi-10.47750. |
Https://Cibgp.Com14./ |
Yes | 2019 |
13. | Prof.V.Sujatha
Prof.Edna Sweenie Prof.U.Jhansi Rani B.Madhuravani Prof.T.Poornima, |
A Real Time Nursing Care Assistance In Intelligent Space Using Task Activity Recognition. | Journal Of Critical Review, Issn-2394-5125,Volume 09,Issue:02, Page No-62-69.Page No:62-69 | 2394-5125 |
Yes | 2019 |
S.No. | Author Name | Title of Paper | Name of Journal, Issn/ Doi. Volume, Issue,
Page No |
(Pubmed id)
Index Journal
Year |
14. | U. Jhansi Rani
S.Sireesha Prof.Edna Sweenie J P.Anusha. Prof.S.Maha Lakshmi. |
Intention To Utilize Mobile Game-Based Learning In Nursing Education From Teachers Perspective: A Theory Of Planned Behaviour Approach | International Journal Of Psychological Rehabilitation, Volume 24, Issue -01.2020. Page No-9260 To 9268. | 2394-5125. |
Yes | 2020 |
15. | P.Anusha
S.Sireesha Prof.U.Jhansi Rani Prof.V.Sujitha, Mrs.Vasantha Kumari |
A 2 Stage -Stochastic Programming Method To Optimum Nursing Home Shift Scheduling
Journal Of Critical Reviews
Issn -2394-5125, Volume 08, Issue -01. |
2394-5125. |
Yes | 2020 |
16. | Prof.Sujatha,
Prof.Edna Sweenie J G.Sujana T.Gayathri. S.Sujitha. |
The Palpation Skills In Maternity Nursing Using Quantitative Analysis Process- | Journal Of Critical Reviews, Issn-2394-5125,Volume -09,Issue-02,Page No-75 To 83. | 2394-5125. |
Yes | 2020 |
17. | Dr.Aruna Aruputhamalar | Effectiveness of Structured teaching programme on sex awareness among adolescent girls. | E-Souvenir Multidisclipinary E-paper workshop paperology ISBN:978-81-946804-0-6. | – | Yes | 2020 |
18. | Anusha G., Sujatha V., Shalini R., Bhaskar Reddy K., Rajasekhar S. | Interventional study to improve ionized Calcium levels among Postmenopausal Women to prevent Osteoporosis | International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences,11(4), Dec 2020, 7817-7821 | 10.26452/ijrps.v11i4.4464 | Yes (Scopus) | 2020 |
19. | Prof.V.Sujatha
C.Vasantha Kumari. Prof.C.Rathiga. S.Sireesha. Prof.U.Jhansi Rani. |
A Home Resident And Family Connected Nursing System Using Virtual Live Video Call Application. | Turkish Journal Of Computer And Mathematics Education.Vol 12.No.01.(2021),963-965. | 963-965 |
Yes | 2021 |
20. | G.Anusha
Prof.V.Sujatha M.Swarnalatha. B.Hema Lakshmi Devi M. |
An Advanced Nursing Homes Activity Tracking For Elderly Care Support.
Journal Of Cardiovascular Disease Research -Issn-0975 3583, Volume 12,Issue 03,2021,Page No-3319 To 3323. | 0975-3583
0976-2833. |
Yes | 2021 |
S.No. | Author Name | Title of Paper | Name of Journal, Issn/ Doi. Volume, Issue,
Page No |
(Pubmed id)
Index Journal
Year |
21. | Prof.C.Rathiga
Prof.U.Jhansirani Prof.V.Sujatha, Mrs.C.Vasantha Kumari G.Anusha. |
A Real Time Hierarchical Shift Design Process At Nursing Homes A 2 Stage Technique.
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Issn 2515-8260, Volume 8. Issue1, 2021, Page No-2437-2437. | 2515-8260 |
Yes | 2021 |
22 | Prof.V.Sujatha
Prof.Edna Sweenie J. T.Gayathri S.Sujitha C.Vasantha Kumari. |
A Sensor -Based Golve Interaction for Nursing Care Robot Assistance. | Turkish Journal Of Computer And Mathematics Education
Vol.12,No.13(2021),48880-4890.P. |
4880-4890 |
scopus |
2021 |
23. | Prof. C. Rathiga Prof Edna Sweenie J Pro. U. Jhansi Rani B. Madhuravani Prof. T.Poornima |
A Zig Bee Protocol Based Security and Alarm Monitoring System At Nursing Homes | Turkish Journal Of Computer And Mathematics Education,Vol 12, | 2515-2525
scopus |
24. | Lakshmi Devi M
B.MadhuraVani Prof.V.Sujatha. M.Swarnalatha B.Hema |
A Random Search Algorithm On Multi-Constraint Nursing Practice With Scheduling. | Journal Of Cardiovascular Disease Research, Issue-0975-3583 Volume 12, Issue-04.2021. Page No:2232-2235 | 0975-3583 |
Yes | 2021 |
25. | Prof.Edna Sweenie J.
Prof.U.Jhansi Rani B.Madhuravani. Prof.T.Poornima. Prof.Sumalatha. |
A Comparison Between Proactive And Unremitting Robot Assistance Using Collaborative Tasks In Nurse Care. | European Journal Of Molecular And Clinical Medicine -Issn-2515, Volume 08, Issue-04,2021. Page No-2878-2888. | 2515-8260. |
Scopus |
2021 |
26. | C.Vasantha Kumari
P.Mohana Priya. Prof.Edna Sweenie J. T.Gayathri. S.Sujitha. |
A Random Forest -Based Class Imbalance Analysis In Nurse Care Activity. | European Journal Of Molecular &Clinical Medicine,
Volume 08, Issue 04, 2021. Page No :2889-2898. |
2515-8260 |
Scopus |
2021 |
27. | Anusha G., Sujatha V., Shalini R., Bhaskar Reddy K., Rajasekhar S. | Nutritional Package for Preventing Osteoporosis among Post-Menopausal Women –In view of bone density. | European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM), 8(1), March 2021, 2149-2158 | | Yes | 2021 |
S.No. | Author Name | Title of Paper | Name of Journal, Issn/ Doi. Volume, Issue,
Page No |
(Pubmed id)
Index Journal
Year |
28. | Shalini S, Abiselvi A, Gopalakrishnan S, Madhura Vani B, Bhaskar Reddy K. | A Cross Sectional Study on Prevalence of Early Initiation of Breast Feeding Practices among Mothers delivered in Hospitals in and around Chennai | High Technology Letters, 2021, 27 (12), 248-261 | 10.37896/HTL27.12/4820 | Yes (Scopus) | 2021 |
29. | Shalini S, Gopalakrishnan S, Abiselvi A, Madhura Vani B, Bhaskar Reddy K. | A Cross Sectional Study on Assessing the Relationship Between Prenatal Complications and Delay in Breast Feeding in New Born Babies | Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (October-2021), 23 (10): 281-294. | 10.51201/JUSST/21/09687 | Yes
(Scopus) |
2021 |
30. | Mrs..Sujatha .V | Effectiveness of hot application episiotomy wound among the postnatal mothers at selected hospitals, Indore. | International Research Journal of Education and Technology , Volume 04, Issue 12. Page No:288-298. | Peer reviewed journal | Yes | 2022 |
31. | Mrs.V.Sujatha | Analyzing the effects of infrared radiation on postpartum mothers episiotomy wounds at several hospitals in Indore. | International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews |
ISSN 2582-7421 |
Yes | 2022 |
32. | Prof.Edna Sweenie | Emerging technology and the negative impact of using the internet among nursing students. | International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research Volume 11, Issue 02. | ISSN 2456-5083. | YES | 2022 |
33. | Mrs.Geethavani.G | Evaluation awareness program on mouthcare for trauma patients amoung staff nurses. | International Research Journal of Education and Technology, Volume :04, Issue:12, Page No:283-287. | IRJEDT
ISSN:2581-7795 |
Yes | 2022 |
34. | Mrs.Geethavani G | Evaluation of staff nurses knowlwdge regarding the Glas coma scaleGCS. | International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews. Volume 3, No 12, Page No: 2525-2526. |
ISSN-2582-7421 |
Yes | 2022 |