Criterion 1
1.3 Curriculum Enrichment
- 1.3.1.Course Description.
- 1.3.2.(1)Value added list.
- 1.3.2.(2)value added circular.
- 1.3.2.(3)Brochure - value added course.
- 1.3.3.(1)VAC Scheduled Day wise.
- 1.3.3.(3)value added att.
- 1.3.3(4)value added course program report_compressed.
- 1.3.4.(1)field trip photo.
- 1.3.4 list of students completed project community postings clinical postings.
- 1.3.4(1) list of students field visit.
- 1.3.4(2)Projects,Clinical Training, Community Training_compressed.
- 2021.
- certificate-2021.
- 1.3.4(5) community posting certificate.
- 1.3.4.(6)community field posting photos.
Criterion 2
2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile
- 2.1.1(4)G O s.
- list.
- graph.
- report.
- candidate.
- 2.1.2(1)details of admission.
- copy.
- 2.1.3(3)bonafied letters .
- 2.1.3(5)other states.
- states.
- Documents.
2.3. Teaching- Learning Process
- 2.3.2(1) details of training programme conducted.
- 2.3.2(1) report on training programme.
- 2.3.1(2)student centric.
- 2.3.2(2) proof of patient simulator.
- 2.3.2(3) proof of establishment.
- 2.3.2(4) link for additional information.
- 2.3.2(6)lab photos.
- 2.3.2(7) details of training programme conducted.
- 2.3.2(8) Any other relevant information.
- 2.3.3(2) online class.
- 2.3.3.(3) file for list of teachers using ICT.
- 2.3.3(4) file for ICT tools.
- 2.3.4.(1)MM - Format.
- 2.3.4.(2)MM list 2020-21.
- 2.3.4.(4)Circular _ MM.
- 2.3.4.(5)MMSystem.
- 2.3.4.(6)MM filled form.
2.5. Evaluation Process and Reforms
- 2.5.1.(1)Term exam schedule.
- 2.5.2(1) file for grievance
- 2.5.1(3)academic calendar.
- 2.5.2(2)file for university exam.
- 2.5.2.(3)Internal Marks Register.
- 2.5.3(1)scheme of exam.
- 2.5.3(2)Regulations for B.sc(Nursing).
- 2.5.3(5)upload other file.
- 2.5.4(1) policy.
- 2.5.4.(1)retest answer sheet.
- 2.5.4(3)The Institution provides opportunities to students for midcourse improvement of performance through specific interventions.
- 2.5.4(4)The Institution provides opportunities to students for midcourse improvement of performance through specific interventions.
- 2.5.4.(5)Slip Test.
- 2.5.4.(7)Study hour attendance register.
Criterion 3
Criterion 4
4.2 Clinical, Equipment and Laboratory Learning Resources
- 4.2.1 list of available for patient care, teaching learning and research.
- 4.2.1 The facilities as per stipulations of respective regulatorybodies with geotagging.
- 4.2.4 Description of community-based teaching learning activities.
- 4.2.4 Details of rural and urban health centers.
- 4.2.4 Government order on allotment of PHC to the institution.
4.4 IT Infrastructure
- 4.4.1 Number of classrooms and demonstration and demonstration rooms linked with internet.
- 4.4.1geotagged photos of class room seminar hall and demonstration rooms linked with internet facilities.
- 4.4.2.
- 4.4.3 Details of internet connection to the institution.
- 4.4.3bills for one month internet connection.
Criterion 5
5.1 Student Support
- 5.1.1 pdf proceeding forms for scholarship 2017-18.
- 5.1.1 scholarship proceedings forms 2019-2020.
- 5.1.1 scholarship proceedings forms 2020-2021.
- 5.1.5 pdf Grievance.
- 5.1.5 Anti sexual harassement &Antiragging.
- 5.1.2.Capability enhancement pdf 2016.
- 5.1.2.Capability enhancement pdf 2017.
- 5.1.2.Capability enhancement pdf 2018.
- 5.1.2.Capability enhancement pdf 2019.
- 5.1.2.Capability enhancement pdf 2020.
- 5.1.3.circular.
5.2 Student Progression
- 5.2.1 state Govt qualifying exam certificates 2018.
- 5.2.1.state Govt qualifying certificates pdf 2019.
- 5.2.1.state Govt qualifying exam certificate pdf 2020.
- 5.2.1 state Govt. Board of intermediate education qualifing certificate- 2016.
- 5.2.1 state Govt. intermediate board of qualifying exam certificate-2017.
- 5.2.1 state Govt. qualifying exam certificates -2017.
- 5.2.2 pdf Placement Additional information.
- 5.2.2 pdf placement.
- 5.2.2(1).
- 5.2.2(2).
- 5.2.2(3).
- 5.2.2(4).
- 5.2.2(5).
- 5.2.3 Higher education .
5.3 Student Participation and Activities
- 5.3.1pdf Achievements of sports.
- 5.3.3.Chirstmas.
- 5.3.3.Farewell day.
- 5.3.3.Freshers party.
- 5.3.3.International women's Day.
- 5.3.3.Republic day.
- 5.3.3.Sankranti.
- 5.3.3.Selesta.
- 5.3.3.Sports.
- 5.3.3.Sri krishna janmastami.
- 5.3.3.Teachers day.
- 5.3.3pdf dasara.
- 5.3.3(1) cultural activities 2016-17.
- 5.3.3(2) cultural 2017-18.
- 5.3.3(3) cultural 2018-19.
- 5.3.3(4) cultural 2019-20.
- 5.3.3(5) cultural 2020-21.
Criterion 6
6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership
- 6.1.1 The Institution has clearly stated Vision and Mission which are reflected in its academic and administrative governance.
- 6.1.1(1) The Institution has clearly stated Vision and Mission which are reflected in its academic and administrative governance.
- 6.1.2 Effective leadership is reflected in various Institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management.
- 6.1.2.
6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment
Organizational Pattern of the College
- 6.2.1 The Institutional has well defined organisational structure, Statutory Bodies/committees of the College with relevant rules, norms and guidelines along with Strategic Plan effectively deployed.
- 6.2.1 SVCON STRATEGIC PLAN 2017-2025.
- 6.2.1 Minutes of Council and delivery of Strategic Plan.
- 6.2.2 Policy On AntiRagging.
- 6.2.2 Policy on E Governance Document.
- 6.2.2 E Governance for Finance & Accounts.
- JnanaBhumi.
- Attendance Biometric.
- INC.
- E Halltickets.
- APNMC Login.
- Exams Portal.
- SVCON-Jnanabhumi-Scholarships.
- NTRUHS Biometric.
6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies
- 6.3.1 The Institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff.
- 6.3.1 Policy On Financial Assistance.
- 6.3.2(2) SANCTION LETTER FOR 2020-21.
- 6.3.2(3)SANCTION LETTER FOR 2019-20.
- 6.3.2(4)SANCTION LETTER FOR 2018-19.
- 6.3.2(5)SANCTION LETTER FOR 2017-18.
- 6.3.2(6)SANCTION LETTER FOR 2016-17.
- 6.3.3 FDP-Cover-Page.
- 6.3.3 2016-2017 FDP(1) Advanced leadership skills.
- 6.3.3 2016-2017 FDP(2) Advanced presentation skill.
- 6.3.3 2016-2017 FDP(3) Communication skills.
- 6.3.3 2016-2017 FDP(4) Communication system design.
- 6.3.3 2016-2017 FDP(5) Creative thinking.
- 6.3.3 2016-2017 FDP(6) Decision making skills.
- 6.3.3 2016-2017 FDP(7) Digital literacy program.
- 6.3.3 2017-2018 FDP(1) Emotional intelligence.
- 6.3.3 2017-2018 FDP(2) Innovative approaches.
- 6.3.3 2017-2018 FDP(3) Curriculum mapping.
- 6.3.3 2017-2018 FDP(4) Lesson plan.
- 6.3.3 2017-2018 FDP(5) manuscript writing.
- 6.3.3 2018-2019 FDP(1) Emotional wellbeing in covi.
- 6.3.3 2018-2019 FDP(2) Future of online learners.
- 6.3.3 2018-2019 FDP(3) Approaches in teaching lear.
- 6.3.3 2018-2019 FDP(4) Eclectic approaches.
- 6.3.3 2018-2019 FDP(5) Yoga for unity.
- 6.3.3 2018-2019 FDP(6) Nursing Theories.
- 6.3.3 2018-2019 FDP(7) Micro teaching.
- 6.3.3 2019 -2020 FDP(1) Covid 19 vaccination.
- 6.3.3 2019-2020 FDP(2) Solid waste management.
- 6.3.3 2019-2020 FDP(4) Health facility preparednes.
- 6.3.3 2019-2020FDP(3) Hospital material management.
- 6.3.3 2020-2021 FDP (1) Future of online learners.
- 6.3.3 2020-2021 FDP (2) Emotional wellbeing in cov.
- 6.3.3 2020-2021 FDP (3) Basic of ECG Interpretatio.
- 6.3.3 2020-2021 FDP (4) Infection control techniqu.
- 6.3.3 2020-2021 FDP(5) Research & publication ethi.
- 6.3.3 2020-2021 FDP(6) Research Methodology.
- 6.3.3(1) 2020-2021 FDP.
- 6.3.3(2) 2019-2020 FDP.
- 6.3.3(3) 2018-2019 FDP.
- 6.3.3(4) 2017-2018 FDP.
- 6.3.3(5) 2016-2017 FDP.
- 6.3.3(5) 2016-2017 FDP.
- 6.3.3(6) CERTIFICATES OF FDP ATTENDED BY FACULTY AT SVCON 2016-17 TO 2020-21_compressed.
- 6.3.5 Institution has Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff.